
Showing posts from August, 2015

Kitchen Renovation: Progress Removing Tile

I removed more tile today while Mr. B and  Little B went to a birthday party.  I want to keep some splash protection until we install the vinyl wallpaper so I left up some tile.   All of the other walls are ready for sanding.  Yahoo!    

Kitchen Renovation: Removing the fluorescent lighting frame

Today, I removed the wood frame on the ceiling that the fluorescent lighting diffuser panels were resting in.  First, I removed the diffuser panels then pounded the frame from above, a little at a time at each nail connection.  Soon enough it came down in one piece.  There are still a few nails in the ceiling but they will come out eventually.  It already feel so much bigger and better in this kitchen. I know good things are coming!!! We are going to have to move the existing junction box.  These unexpected surprises are the reason we planned 20% extra in our budget :)   I would love to raise the ceiling and redesign the cabinets  (corners, blind spots, and lazy Susan's...Oh My) but that is not going to happen.   

Kitchen Renovation

Our kitchen is terrible. Even after I clean it always feels dirty and cluttered. The laminate countertops are sunken in back of the sink and are developing black mold.  It is an unhealthy kitchen.  Aiming for a cleaner, more polished look that also wows potential home buyers when we sell in 2017.   Here it is now: We need to replace the countertops, update the wall covering, rip out the fluorescent light box above, paint the walls and refinish the cabinets.  It will be a fun project that we hope to keep under $3,000.   Inspiration room: We will see what really happens in the end.  

Big wildlife half-marathon

Yahoo another half-marathon is under my belt.  Not as fast as last year but I was logging a lot more miles then.  I am still proud!  I never did a training run over 8.5 miles so I am quite happy with my time. Especially since I was running on sheer persistence after mile 10.  Already looking forward to next year!  I am not sure if doing a half marathon each summer is the carrot or the stick :)