The Raven!
The common raven (Corvus corax) is a member of a family of birds known as the Corvidae, which includes jays, crows, and magpies. The raven is a permanent resident in Alaska, nesting from the Seward Peninsula and the Brooks Range throughout the mainland, south to Kodiak Island, throughout the Aleutian Chain and along the coast and mountains of Southeast Alaska. Ravens have large, stout bills, shaggy throat feathers, and wedge-shaped tails, visible best when in flight. The raven can produce an amazing assortment of sounds. One study in Alaska showed ravens have more than 30 distinct vocalizations. The Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian, BellaBella, and Kwakiutl all viewed the raven as the creator of the world and bringer of daylight.
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